Bupa research indicates 2023’s top health trends

Revealed: 2023’s top health and wellbeing trends – but are they all safe to follow?

Revealed: 2023’s top health and wellbeing trends – but are they all safe to follow?

After a long January, good intentions may have slipped, and that’s OK. Overhauling your health isn’t easy – especially if there are various things you’d like to address. Whether it’s losing weight, exercising more, or shaking up your diet, Bupa Health Clinics have shared the top 7 health and wellbeing trends set inspire you in 2023. Find our full research here:

Revealed: The most popular health trends for 2023:

1. Low cholesterol diet
2. Intermittent fasting and oestrogen-rich foods
3. Earwax removal treatments
4. Owning your sexual health
5. Vitamin B complex supplements
6. Healthy air fryer recipes
7. Workouts, including metabolic workouts, hip thrust workouts and Reformer Pilates

However, Dr Samantha Wild, GP and Women’s Health Clinical Lead from Bupa Health Clinics, urges caution when following these trends: “It’s reassuring to see growing interest in healthy lifestyle choices, but just because a trend has become popular doesn’t necessarily mean that it should be followed – or at least without guidance from a health professional first.

“Factors like your age, gender and general health can influence how safe and effective following a health trend could be for you. If you suffer with any medical conditions, or take regular medication, I’d recommend working with a health professional before making any changes to your lifestyle – that way, you’ll know whether a health trend is right for you, along with any ways the trend could be adapted to make it as safe as possible for you.

“For example, if you have an underlying health condition, intermittent fasting isn’t always something a health professional would recommend, and vitamin B supplement dosages need to be considered on an individual basis, in line with other lifestyle factors.”
Additional research commissioned by Bupa Health Clinics(1) shows over three quarters of UK adults (78%) have concerns about their health, with worries about weight and mental health being the biggest concerns for the year ahead.

Not exercising enough (20%), back problems (13%) and their diet (14%) were also key concerns, along with issues like blood pressure (10%) and managing pre-existing conditions such as diabetes (10%).

Dr Samantha Wild says: “Taking control of your health shouldn’t be something that just happens in January. As our research shows, over three quarters of Brits are worried about various aspects of their health this year so taking steps to lead a healthier lifestyle and making your health part of your long-term routine is essential.”

If you’re looking to get back on track with your New Year healthy habits, Dr Samantha Wild outlines her top tips:

Make long-term changes – many people start fad diets in January following a Christmas and New Year of indulging in too much food and alcohol, but it’s important to focus on making long-term changes to your lifestyle to benefit your health. For example, if you want to lose weight, find a plan that works for you and includes activities you enjoy. If you find running difficult, don’t put it into your plan, but do choose an exercise you enjoy or take up a new hobby that you’ve always wanted to try. There is so much choice out when it comes to exercise, from HIIT classes to Spin, so try lots of different things and find something you enjoy, this way you’re more likely to stick to it!

Set realistic goals – the New Year is all about setting goals and resolutions for the year ahead, however many people only tend to stick to them for a couple of months before slipping back into old habits. Try to set realistic goals, that you’ll be able to achieve, such as aiming to run a 5k by a certain time period and then build it up. Finding a friend to workout with can help you to stick with it for longer. Similarly, when thinking about quitting alcohol or cutting out meat, start small by having a few alcohol or meat free days a week and build it up.

Prioritise your mental health – as well as focusing on your physical health, make sure you take the time to prioritise your mental health. Be kind to yourself and take time to do things that you enjoy. If you’re struggling with your mental health, speak to a medical professional and get the support you need.

Always make sure you speak a doctor if you notice any changes – our research found that 75% of people would prioritise a loved one’s health over their own this year. However, it’s so important that if you notice changes to your body that seem out of the ordinary, you speak to a doctor as soon as possible. While it’s unlikely to be anything serious, it’s always best to get checked just in case. In our health clinics we offer health assessments to give people an overall picture of their health and wellbeing, making sure we check everything out and help put people’s minds at ease around anything they’re worried about.

Attend your health screenings – health screening can be lifesaving, yet our research found that one in 10 deliberately delay or miss their screening appointments on purpose. If you’re invited for a health screening appointment such as a cervical smear or mammogram scan, please make sure you attend. We know these can make people feel uncomfortable but as doctors, we’re here to put you at ease and any abnormality that is picked up can be investigated quickly.

[1] The research for Bupa Health Clinics was carried out by Censuswide between 06/01/2023 and 09/01/2023 amongst a panel resulting in 2,050 respondents. Censuswide abides by and employ members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles.

BUPA UK: Bupa was created on 3 April 1947 with the founding purpose – ‘to prevent, relieve and cure sickness and ill-health of every kind’ – enshrined in our original constitution, combining a caring ethos with freedom of choice.

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